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Friday, March 19, 2010

New Leads

Here's a link to sources if you missed last nights episode.

I thought it was a pretty good episode. I am enjoying this season of The Office - I can't tell if its because I lowered my expectations or its actually good.

What works for The Office - is when they have story lines that revolve around actual events that occur in day to day offices around the world.

Dwight was the superstar of this episode again.

Another great thing about this episode - No Pam!(Whose been dead weight on this show for awhile) I hope she does not come back for awhile now...

Friday, March 12, 2010

St. Patrick's Day

I enjoyed last night episode of The Office? How about you guys(Cricket chirps)...alright then.

Review Time

The episode was great. MegaDesk made me laugh as did Quaddesk. We need more cold openings. I think they should be dedicated solely to the Jim/Dwight prank dynamic(which seems to be missing in these newer seasons)

Dwight has been the highlight of this season, he's been consistantly funny and treated in the right amount of screen time.

I really hope they don't resort back to the status Quo and force him back into a relationship with Angela.

What did you guys think of Andy and Erin...erin...erin...erin..rin...rin..nnn(still no audience)

It was pretty cute, not overdone

But whats up with her brother? o__O

Kathy Bates has been a great addition to the show. Its great to watch Michael with his superiors, Jan, Wallance, Ryan, etc

Stay tune for more news!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Haiti Relief Fund

For anyone who frequents this blog, is a fan, or has just stumbled upon this page, please take a moment and reflect on what has occurred in Haiti.

There are moments in our lives when we can help those who cannot help themselves, most jump at the opportunity to help those in need. The situation in Haiti requires help from all, please forward this page to everyone you know. An event like this requires aid from the entire International Community.

If you can help, please donate to any of these organizations below. The country is in desperate need and can use all the help it can get.

Here are three ways you can help

1 - Donate your time, volunteer if you can
2 - Donate Blood
3 - Donate Money

In this time of need, lets not be known as the generation who stood by and did nothing.

American Red Cross

You can also donate via Text

Supporters can text "Haiti" to 90999 to donate $10 to the Red Cross that goes directly to Haiti Relief.

The Salvation Army - Canadian Branch

The Salvation Army in Canada is sending $100,000 US in aid and has started a fundraising campaign.

World Vision Canada

World Vision is preparing to distribute emergency supplies to those affected by the earthquake. World Vision has been working in Haiti for over 30 years, helping an estimated 300,000 Haitians each year to overcome poverty through providing access to education, clean water and nutrition, as well as helping families with medical care.



UNICEF Canada is taking donations for the earthquake in Haiti. An income tax receipt will be issued for all donations $25 or more. For donations less than $25, receipts will be issued upon request. Please email or call 1-800-567-4483.

Hope for Haiti

Plan Canada

Plan Canada has been operating in Haiti for nearly 40 years. Donations can be made by calling 1-800-387-1418.
Contacting family members, friends

For inquiries about relatives living and who have citizenship in Haiti, please be patient and call repeatedly until the lines clear or contact other family members who live nearby. Telephone, Internet and other communication lines are often disrupted in times of disaster.

People trying to locate U.S. citizens living or traveling in Haiti should contact the U.S. Department of State, Office of Overseas Citizens Services, at 1-888-407-4747 or (202) 647-5225.

Canadians attempting to contact family members or friends in Haiti can call the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade emergency operation centre at 1-800-387-3124, or inquire by email at

DFAIT is also advising Canadians who need assistance in Haiti to travel to the Canadian Embassy in Port-au-Prince on Delmas Road, between Delmas 75 and 71. Canadians can also contact embassy officials by calling 613-996-8885.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Office News

SPOILER ALERT: Pam and Jim will experience the birth of their baby in a special two-part Office airing March 4 and 11. Kathy Bates, meanwhile, will join the cast as the CEO of the company that buys Dunder Mifflin. Her multi-episode arc kicks off Feb. 4.

Kathy Bates

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sorry Guys

Sorry for the lack of posts, I've been busy preparing a move...

But I will be updating once the next episode airs.

Although, I'm pissed about the show having a clipshow for one episode...fucken lazy hack writers.