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Friday, November 20, 2009

Shareholders Deleted Scene

I thought Shareholders meeting was a great episode. I've enjoyed this season, albeit two episodes - Mafia & Double Date(maybe one more), the fact that they're focusing on storylines that are focused on Dunder Mifflin and not Jim & Pam is great. Thats what originally made the office great, you have this documentary on a failing midsize paper company with colourful characters and Jim/Pam was a hidden gem. Then the soap opera fanatics became fans of the show and the writers ended up focusing on that demographic and turned the show into crap.

Anyways, if you haven't been to a shareholders meeting...those crowds ARE real.

Check out this video

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Office - Shareholders Meeting

Here's a link for tonight episode of the Office.

I enjoyed the episode. I wasn't a fan of the cold opening, but the rest of the episode was great. A lot different than what I had originally expected.

What did you guys think of the episode.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Episode Transcripts

I tend to quote the Office a lot and sometimes when I need to know how a certain line is delivered I'll have to rush over to my DVD's and find the episode and watch the scene. Its time consuming and annoying. So I've decided to create a blog that transcribes each episode.

Here's the link

I'm reminded of that scene from "The Client" where Michael calls Pam and asks her to find a good joke to tell

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Ryans New Website

Here's a link to Ryan's new Photography Wesbite. I love the comments he has written under each picture.

Ryan is probably my favourite character, its a shame that he's not prominent in each episode as he was in s4, and the brief stint in Michael Scott Paper Co.

Here's a deleted scene from Double Date or whatever that shitty episode was called.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Link + Review

I'm just going to let you know that last nights episode of The Office - Double Date was a piece of shit. It wasn't funny. The episode went nowhere. Michaels character development has completely been forgotten and replaced with 'what can Michael do next that will be kinda funny'.

The only thing great about last nights episode was Ryan's passion for photography.

Kelly looks great in that pic, and not just because she's topless...its a very nice pic of her.

Next week I'm gonna provide a list of what the Office should include for future episode, what story lines it should resolve, and when they should set a date to end this show.

The Office - Double Date - via - SideReel

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Deleted Scenes + Preview for tonights episode.

Looks great. After watching the clip, this clip seems to reinforce my suspicion of Pam turning into the biggest bitch on this show.